day #69

I set my alarm for 6. woke up to rain and kept sleeping. when I woke up again I laid around watching big flakes coming down. more like clumps of snow. after kicking rocks around the house for a bit I finally decided to give it a go and headed up to the hill in a trenching snow storm.

being in a blizzard doesn’t usually bother me much. you can really be comfortable as long as you are dressed for it. sun, rain, snow or wind. what ever. it seems to drive most people away tho and I think there may have been a total of 5 people on the mountain. I really enjoyed my quiet skin up in the falling snow and breaking my own trail. got up into a white out and skied some sweet powder in one of those vertigo environments, making best guesses about the angle of the slope. nice.

sometimes I don’t get this town. it snows every may. like clock work and people are just as upset about it every year. just because I have gone on bike rides or worn flip flops and tank tops this spring doesn’t stop me from skiing again when it snows. or even if it doesn’t. everyone I know is making statements and declarations about being done skiing for the season and putting their skis away.

Eli told me last night he’d much rather be skiing than mountain biking because he feels like the reward to effort ratio isn’t always there in mountains biking. I agree, much like him, I would give up any day pedaling up a dirt hill on my bike to skinning up a snowy hill. as much I enjoy mountain biking, I tend to not bring my bike out until later in the season. I have some principles against mountain biking in snow with soggy sneakers and wet cold fingers (unless it’s fall). frankly, in this town, unless you drive an hour out of town, mountain biking this early means getting on trails with kids and families and disabled people. do you really want to be that person? on the M trail?

Moose found me a set of antlers from a deer skull dug in the snow. a set! haha, good boy.

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