this is my tribe

I made a big life choice this year. It may seem insignificant to most but for me it has been big. Instead of getting frustrated in an over crowded resort I have forced myself to find meaning outside of the tram line. because , let’s face it. I turned 40. not that 40 really has any significance with the tram line, but it does have a t with my well being and my well being on the long run and in my future happiness.

last year I realized I did not want my happiness to be tied to a resort entity that could care less if I was there or not. I have alway appreciate that gate dropping in behind me and leaving what ever drama came at me at Big Sky and letting me scake away scott free. this season I have been trying to learn something new. my life is shifting. it is working out.

I love guiding but I will have to forego a few summers in Montana starting now. my career depends on it. It makes my soul bleed a bit but at the same time I foresee a cashflow and future plans that will give me more liberty, better suited state of affairs and financial gain.

I bought a sled. The bronze pass is fording me into a schedule and to be gone from the resort on the weekends. sure, I could make the call and upgrade my pass any day to a silver, but why? there has been nothing so far that I am missing. It’s forcing me int things I am terrified. but there is this sled sitting on my trailer behind my house that I keep looking at and looking away from. I am so scared of the power of that 800 engine.

I was skinning up today at our local hill with my surrogate family. I am not entirely sure how I manage to win their love and how they have allowed me to become a part of their family, but I love them to death. Moose is part of their pack. I am a part of their tribe. on my quiet skin I wondered if there ever was a time for me to say good bye, or if I was met with a terminal illness.

all I could think of is that I have had more than my share of fun in this life. I have lived an exceedingly fulfilled life of joy, so much love, fun, self-indulgence and A life fulfilled with people whom become my family I have made along the way. I have met the people that make your soul bubble and make you want to breathe life. The sort of people you have a life long love affair with, better than one you could ever have with your spouse.

They choose you every day when nothing obligates them to.


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